
Rant about internships

I know the whole intern thing is a big manipulative exploitive system. I got a different peek at it. A family member is almost done with a bachelors degree. One of the requirements is to do an internship related to the field of study. One of the pre-approved internships is basically working as a content creator for a website which has stuff like business tips and life tips and whatever. It's writing articles and cutesy things and junk. The intern gets no credit, their name is not listed on any articles or any content. The website makes money from ads. The website is also heavily cross linked to other websites doing the same thing. So people clicking on links are sent to other websites to see similar content made under similar conditions. The owner basically plays golf all day. The interns need to put in at least 10 hours per…

I know the whole intern thing is a big manipulative exploitive system.

I got a different peek at it.

A family member is almost done with a bachelors degree. One of the requirements is to do an internship related to the field of study. One of the pre-approved internships is basically working as a content creator for a website which has stuff like business tips and life tips and whatever. It's writing articles and cutesy things and junk.

The intern gets no credit, their name is not listed on any articles or any content. The website makes money from ads. The website is also heavily cross linked to other websites doing the same thing. So people clicking on links are sent to other websites to see similar content made under similar conditions.

The owner basically plays golf all day. The interns need to put in at least 10 hours per week.

I don't know how the school approved this internship.

So the next time you are on a website learning about “interview tips” or how to “make a great first impression” or how to “screen a babysitter” how to “prepare for a disaster” – be aware that it is possible you're reading something by someone who has very little actual experience, and is merely punching a clock for nothing.

It's bad on the school for approving this internship at all.

That is all, cheers.

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