
RANT: I hate it here

I really want to leave my job, BAD! I've been working in machine shops and warehouses since I turned 18(22 now) so it's only been four years. But in that short time I realized that it fucking sucks. My first job right out of high school was a local machine shop. I started in the breezeway bundling pipe then I moved up to the saw where I learned to cut pipe and operate a Petti bone (a huge forklift) after my time at the saw I then got promoted up to the machine and started learning G and M code with the head machinist, and learning how to operate the machine. All this time I did not get a SINGLE raise So in little over a year I had been moved up/promoted 2 different times. Each of those learning multiple new skills all the while busting my ass trying to…

I really want to leave my job, BAD! I've been working in machine shops and warehouses since I turned 18(22 now) so it's only been four years. But in that short time I realized that it fucking sucks. My first job right out of high school was a local machine shop. I started in the breezeway bundling pipe then I moved up to the saw where I learned to cut pipe and operate a Petti bone (a huge forklift) after my time at the saw I then got promoted up to the machine and started learning G and M code with the head machinist, and learning how to operate the machine. All this time I did not get a SINGLE raise

So in little over a year I had been moved up/promoted 2 different times. Each of those learning multiple new skills all the while busting my ass trying to get every little piece I could out. Soon after I got to the machine the head machinist had retired. That's when they switched head machinist to the next guy in line. He was a straight up asshole. He did not bother to keep teaching me anything or help me improve my blueprint reading and basic programming. If I messed up an insert or asked his help or opinion on something, he would come over do it for me, not show me how he did it, all the meantime calling me a dumbass kid. So I was once excited to be a machinest, but all that was ruined when the new foreman was in charge. Ended up leaving them because I wasn't going to stay there and mindlessly press a button on a lathe.

Fast forward to now I'm working another warehouse making paint(UV curable coating to be specific). My supervisor is a CLOWN! He let's his favorite production worker look at all the orders we have available and let's him choose what he wants and he gets to delegate who gets what batch tickets. You have a production worker doing the job of a supervisor just cause you are scared to give someone something they won't like? Not to mention the supervisor doesn't even know standard precidure on how to make a batch of coating. Shouldn't the supervisor know how to do the job of the people he's supervising over? Also, I'm doing manual labor all day in a 95 degree shop next to a bunch of guys who are homophobic racists. I'm getting really tired of the bullshit warehouse environment and mindset, and I really want to just walk out of here now. I get 16 dollars a hour to have all my statistics ran over every month. Yes please track my every minute I work and how many gallons I produce per minute. Just the way production work is, but I want to get the fuck out. We made the company 20 mil profit last month, and because we are slow this month they don't give us a quarterly bonus. Instead they give us 100 dollar giant eagle gift card that are TAXED! MORAL OF THE STORY I'm so tired of this bullshit and just wanna quit but u know I need to survive so

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