
Rant – I’ve wasted five years of my life

So back in 2017, I was sick of the mundane 9-5 minimum wage corporate jobs I’d been working since leaving school. I decided I’d do what everyone told me I should had done in the first place and go back to university. I started on a pretty specialised engineering course, I’ve always been fairly gifted at science and looking at the available jobs in a more STEM field, this line of career seemed to be the best option for a well paid job. I loved my course, i found it fulfilling and fascinating, made some amazing friends and my lecturers really cared about the students. I’m not exaggerating when I say these five years were some of the best of my life. Back in June I graduated with a 1st class. My family and I couldn’t have been more proud. It was bittersweet to say goodbye to the friends I’d…

So back in 2017, I was sick of the mundane 9-5 minimum wage corporate jobs I’d been working since leaving school. I decided I’d do what everyone told me I should had done in the first place and go back to university. I started on a pretty specialised engineering course, I’ve always been fairly gifted at science and looking at the available jobs in a more STEM field, this line of career seemed to be the best option for a well paid job. I loved my course, i found it fulfilling and fascinating, made some amazing friends and my lecturers really cared about the students. I’m not exaggerating when I say these five years were some of the best of my life.

Back in June I graduated with a 1st class. My family and I couldn’t have been more proud. It was bittersweet to say goodbye to the friends I’d made, but I was excited to start the next chapter in my life and begin my career is an engineer.

At first it was difficult to find a job. Fresh out of uni with little experience, and my personal circumstances mean I can’t move to far from my hometown, but I persevered and eventually found an employer local to me willing to take me on. At the interview the job sounded great. They called me the next day and offered me the job. I was so excited.

I’ve been there little over a month now and it’s safe to say…

I fucking hate it.

I dread coming in to work each day with every fibre of my being. They treat the job like a lifestyle. I work six days a week, rarely have get home before midnight, and have literally zero time or energy to pursue hobbies or interact with friends or family. I spend an hour a day at most with my girlfriend who I live with. I feel utterly trapped.

I want to go back to my 9-5 bs job, but I feel like I’ve wasted those five years and the debt I’ve put myself in getting to where I am now. I’m miserable, exhausted and constantly sick.

That’s it, just needed to rant and let of some steam before heading into my next shift (which starts only 9 hours after the end of my last shift). I’ve got an interview on Monday for a shitty job that has way more sociable hours and pays slightly above minimum. We’ll see how that goes

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