
[Rant] Mental Health is about to cost me another job.

For background, I'm a civil cad drafter and work for a land surveying company. I've been drafting for over 7 years at this point and am getting familiar with what's required in each field. There are multiple fields to draft for, civil, mechanical, structural, electrical, and architectural. Civil, in my experience is the absolute most stressful field I've ever had the displeasure to work in. I've been at my current job since July of 2021 and my physical and mental health have deteriorated ever since. I've gained weight, I've stopped cleaning my apartment, I stopped cooking, have only eaten fast food for the past few months. I have anxiety and depression and have trouble connecting with my coworkers. I feel completely alone at my desk while everyone talks to each other. I have little to no interest in civil drafting anymore because we rely on a field crew to go…

For background, I'm a civil cad drafter and work for a land surveying company. I've been drafting for over 7 years at this point and am getting familiar with what's required in each field. There are multiple fields to draft for, civil, mechanical, structural, electrical, and architectural. Civil, in my experience is the absolute most stressful field I've ever had the displeasure to work in. I've been at my current job since July of 2021 and my physical and mental health have deteriorated ever since. I've gained weight, I've stopped cleaning my apartment, I stopped cooking, have only eaten fast food for the past few months. I have anxiety and depression and have trouble connecting with my coworkers. I feel completely alone at my desk while everyone talks to each other. I have little to no interest in civil drafting anymore because we rely on a field crew to go and shoot points and take measurements at job sites, but everywhere I've worked in civil drafting seems to hire nothing but morons and slackers. They miss stuff all the time so I have to conquer my anxiety on a daily basis to tell them they need to make another hour and half drive to the job site to get something they missed. This causes them to get upset, naturally. I HATE this job, so of course, I don't want to do it anymore. I started coming in later and later until my bosses pulled me aside to try and tackle this tardiness problem. They say I do good work, my only issue is the tardiness. I'm never more than 30 minutes late and asked them if I could have a shift adjustment to start later. They said company policy does not allow this and I need to make adjustments to come in on time. The start time is 7:30 and I've never been a morning person. My previous jobs would allow me to start between 8 and 10, but this place won't. They let me work from home when I get covid, which only happens because I work here. In the year and a half I was unemployed during the pandemic, I didn't get sick once. They will not let me work from home consistently. They pay me what I want, but they make no compromises when it comes to start time. I don't know if I can make this change. I so desperately want to switch to another drafting field, but I'm finding it difficult as I have the most experience working in this God-forsaken Civil engineering industry.

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