
Rant- Walked out of work Friday and Today

I got hired as a lab tech about a month ago, I was a bit over qualified for this job as I've been working more demanding role for the past 3 years. I took the job hoping for a more laid back work environment and was able to start at a slightly higher pay rate than my coworkers because of my experience. The work was easy enough and there wasn't a-lot of it, but 2 weeks ago I was asked to mop floors in one of the other rooms outside of the lab which is completely outside of my Job description, I complained about it a bit but did it anyway. My snitch coworker immediately started gossiping about this and went and told management. After that point management had it out for me , but I do a good job so all they could do was say “you use your…

I got hired as a lab tech about a month ago, I was a bit over qualified for this job as I've been working more demanding role for the past 3 years. I took the job hoping for a more laid back work environment and was able to start at a slightly higher pay rate than my coworkers because of my experience. The work was easy enough and there wasn't a-lot of it, but 2 weeks ago I was asked to mop floors in one of the other rooms outside of the lab which is completely outside of my Job description, I complained about it a bit but did it anyway. My snitch coworker immediately started gossiping about this and went and told management. After that point management had it out for me , but I do a good job so all they could do was say “you use your phone too much”. I put my phone on silent, put my head down and worked for a couple of weeks. I also found another job that gave me a start date next month but put off telling them to see how the situation was developed. I guess my snitch coworker noticed I didn't check my phone anymore so on Friday she called me once… I didn't notice because my phone was on silent, she immediately barged into the lab and started yelling/ranting at me for not answering my phone and wouldn't stop having random outbursts…. So after 30 minutes of sitting there silently and hearing her outbursts it got a bit old . I went directly to HR reported her for creating a hostile work environment and told them that was my 2 weeks notice. Today I talked to my Supervisor and he refused to see my point of view on this matter at all. I told them i'm not coming in for another day until I get an apology for the random outbursts. I don't understand what the point of this place hiring me was, I did a great job at what I was hired to do, what sane person would put up with this drama? Now my genius coworker gets to do all the work herself and whatever random duties they decide to add on at will, enjoy your prize you piece of shit.

Edit: added details

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