
Really fed up with my actual job and wrote a review.

Let me know if it’s any good or should I ditch the idea? Review: “I’ve been doing the same thing every day for almost a year. I only learned the basic platform and that’s about it, there’s little to no training. Management is not good, a lot of unnecessary stress, jobs being handed to people who aren’t really responsible for and there’s no employee-management relationship, zero communication between department managers. Mostly everyone looks after themselves and points fingers when fault is due. The lack of teamwork and communication really makes it difficult to enjoy. There’s rarely any teamwork, direction or job assignments coming from the department manager. There’s no actual hard part to the job, but I would say that dealing with the managers and coworkers could be harsh on the day to day basis. To be really honest, the best parts of the job as of this moment are…

Let me know if it’s any good or should I ditch the idea?

Review: “I’ve been doing the same thing every day for almost a year. I only learned the basic platform and that’s about it, there’s little to no training. Management is not good, a lot of unnecessary stress, jobs being handed to people who aren’t really responsible for and there’s no employee-management relationship, zero communication between department managers. Mostly everyone looks after themselves and points fingers when fault is due. The lack of teamwork and communication really makes it difficult to enjoy. There’s rarely any teamwork, direction or job assignments coming from the department manager. There’s no actual hard part to the job, but I would say that dealing with the managers and coworkers could be harsh on the day to day basis. To be really honest, the best parts of the job as of this moment are the pay, clocking out and Fridays. But like the general manager once told me, ‘This isn’t a discotheque to have fun and make friends, we work here, smile and stop looking so sad.’”

Currently trying to quit and apply for other jobs, been almost a year doing this and all I receive are rejection letters.

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