
Really wanna get rid of it

I live in a country where the workers have to overwork for 12 hours at least to make their living. Feels like there's no god damn rest, people have no private space and recration.They are forced to be burdensome by tremendous pressure like housing price, food price, endless debt and hospitalized cost. The salary is low and the cpi is so high. Totally an abyss of suffering here.I'm tired of enduring all that shit.

I live in a country where the workers have to overwork for 12 hours at least to make their living. Feels like there's no god damn rest, people have no private space and recration.They are forced to be burdensome by tremendous pressure like housing price, food price, endless debt and hospitalized cost. The salary is low and the cpi is so high. Totally an abyss of suffering here.I'm tired of enduring all that shit.

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