
really wishing I knew how to gwt money

So my boss found put I found a bed bug in my apartment(most likely from dumpster diving neighbors) he decided I can't work for the next 2 weeks and that they would comp my pay(15 hours of my phone only). Seems crazy to me hes aloud to do this and then say yeah we can pay you still but it's gonna use your vacation time that you worked for. Just wondering how you all manage to make money if you're not working at a place anymore over this kinda craziness.

So my boss found put I found a bed bug in my apartment(most likely from dumpster diving neighbors) he decided I can't work for the next 2 weeks and that they would comp my pay(15 hours of my phone only). Seems crazy to me hes aloud to do this and then say yeah we can pay you still but it's gonna use your vacation time that you worked for. Just wondering how you all manage to make money if you're not working at a place anymore over this kinda craziness.

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