
Recharge Week?

I’m so frickin’ pissed. I just found out that all the employees who sit at their desk all week are getting a week off to “recharge.” For context I work at a bakery, I do retail work and I’m on my feet for 8 hours a day. Meanwhile these folks get to sit in an air conditioned office not doing physical labor. And THEY need a week off!!! I’m looking for ways to screw them over— maybe we all call out next week and force them to do our jobs? I’m thinking of spamming them with anonymous emails. Any other ideas?

I’m so frickin’ pissed. I just found out that all the employees who sit at their desk all week are getting a week off to “recharge.” For context I work at a bakery, I do retail work and I’m on my feet for 8 hours a day. Meanwhile these folks get to sit in an air conditioned office not doing physical labor. And THEY need a week off!!! I’m looking for ways to screw them over— maybe we all call out next week and force them to do our jobs? I’m thinking of spamming them with anonymous emails. Any other ideas?

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