
Record everything toxic at your job with your phone camera or audio recorder.

I can't believe how little proof i have of all the toxic shit that happened at some of my jobs. All I have is my journal but that is subjective. I wish i had taken videos or audio recordings of some of the conversations i had at work. I know it's illegal to record people without their permission but that is not the case in case of a crime and I find it a crime how toxic some jobs are. PS: the footage would be crucial in case you need to sue you company or if you need help from your union.

I can't believe how little proof i have of all the toxic shit that happened at some of my jobs. All I have is my journal but that is subjective. I wish i had taken videos or audio recordings of some of the conversations i had at work. I know it's illegal to record people without their permission but that is not the case in case of a crime and I find it a crime how toxic some jobs are. PS: the footage would be crucial in case you need to sue you company or if you need help from your union.

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