
Recruiter – I almost felt sorry for her

Background – I’ve been doing a job for nearly 30 years, near expert “seen some things” network tech. I realized today why companies like Amazon have 100%+ turnover every year, and it costs them billions. Honestly the fact that they don’t realize being cheap assholes with their staff negatively impacts their business is amazing to me. Them: “this job requires after hours on call work (salary so unpaid)” Me: “I can see that on occasion, but if it’s regular thing, they should add more shifts for coverage, or figure out what led to having something break after engineer around that” Them: “They’re a small company, they can’t afford that” (this company is roughly a $20m year revenue, sure it’s no McDonald’s, but seriously? Them “What’s your salary requirement” Me “Based on what you told me so far, they won’t like what I’m currently making, but you can tell them they’ll…

Background – I’ve been doing a job for nearly 30 years, near expert “seen some things” network tech. I realized today why companies like Amazon have 100%+ turnover every year, and it costs them billions. Honestly the fact that they don’t realize being cheap assholes with their staff negatively impacts their business is amazing to me.

Them: “this job requires after hours on call work (salary so unpaid)”
Me: “I can see that on occasion, but if it’s regular thing, they should add more shifts for coverage, or figure out what led to having something break after engineer around that”
Them: “They’re a small company, they can’t afford that” (this company is roughly a $20m year revenue, sure it’s no McDonald’s, but seriously?

Them “What’s your salary requirement”
Me “Based on what you told me so far, they won’t like what I’m currently making, but you can tell them they’ll never have to worry about their networks again as a business owner”
Them: “I just need a number!”
Me “Gives them what I’m currently making, about 20% more then they what I discover they want to pay. Tell the recruiter to ask them what not having angry customers means to them (they are a logistics company for trade shows/conventions, so if networks don’t work right the first time, it’s a big business problem). Silence on the other end, I advise her to call me back when they are willing to pay market rates, the world has changed and I’m not eating inflation so you can profit.

I’ve seen more and more companies hiring entry level staff into senior role requirements without any mentorship or oversight to save $. Some might work out but the majority will struggle and burn out, while screwing up your business in the process. If they think there’s a labor shortage now…

Bottom line, go cheap on your office space, toilet paper, and break room coffee. None of these will probably mean much overall to the success of your business. But to go cheap on critical staff is just asinine.

There’s gonna be tons of out of business signs during the coming recession, don’t feel bad for any of them.

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