
Recruiter says I didn’t get the job- but then manager says something else.

Using a throwaway because… I actually don't know why. Oh well! Here's the abridged version! Last week, I had an interview that I thought went well with a manager. It was basically my old full time job (I've been freelancing/doing contract work in video production since November when I was laid off), but with a few added bonuses. Thought the manager and I hit it off, especially since they were hiring for two people in that role. I was somewhat sure I did a good job, sent the usual thank you email, all of that jazz. Anyway, a week passes. I get an email from the recruiter saying that I was no longer in consideration for the job. Not a problem. The recruiter still wanted to chat with me later that day about other opportunities at the company. Again, not a problem. I'm used to not getting the job. But,…

Using a throwaway because… I actually don't know why. Oh well! Here's the abridged version!

Last week, I had an interview that I thought went well with a manager. It was basically my old full time job (I've been freelancing/doing contract work in video production since November when I was laid off), but with a few added bonuses. Thought the manager and I hit it off, especially since they were hiring for two people in that role. I was somewhat sure I did a good job, sent the usual thank you email, all of that jazz.

Anyway, a week passes. I get an email from the recruiter saying that I was no longer in consideration for the job. Not a problem. The recruiter still wanted to chat with me later that day about other opportunities at the company. Again, not a problem. I'm used to not getting the job. But, a few hours later, I get a response from my thank you email from the manager. He apologized for not responding until now, but said he was still making a decision since he wasn't as far along as he wanted to be.

Right after I read that email from the manager, the recruiter emailed me saying we couldn't meet today. I responded with times I was available the next day and what the manager said. I didn't hear anything back, so I just went on his calendar he had sent me before and scheduled time with him. Still haven't heard anything.

I'm just confused on whether or not I'm still in consideration. I thought I would ask here! So… does it seem like I am or not? I just don't want to make myself into an idiot to either the recruiter or the manager.

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