
Recruiters wasting my time…

/rant, I’m on mobile so sorry for any formatting issues. Everyone in my department (200+ people) got a pay cut a few months ago, despite constant emails touting record profits. Big surprise, a ton of people are now moving on, myself included. I’ve gotten a good feel for how job applications, interviews, and recruiters work these days, and it’s so weird. I was contacted by a recruiter for two positions. I spoke to her about them, and I’m qualified to do both. One pays $15k more than I’m currently making, the other pays the same as I’m currently making. After an hour conversation, she ends the phone call by saying “you’re 6 months shy of the minimum time to be qualified for the better job, so we can’t consider you for that one.” I immediately tell her that I won’t be changing jobs for no pay increase, obviously, so we…

/rant, I’m on mobile so sorry for any formatting issues.

Everyone in my department (200+ people) got a pay cut a few months ago, despite constant emails touting record profits. Big surprise, a ton of people are now moving on, myself included. I’ve gotten a good feel for how job applications, interviews, and recruiters work these days, and it’s so weird.

I was contacted by a recruiter for two positions. I spoke to her about them, and I’m qualified to do both. One pays $15k more than I’m currently making, the other pays the same as I’m currently making. After an hour conversation, she ends the phone call by saying “you’re 6 months shy of the minimum time to be qualified for the better job, so we can’t consider you for that one.” I immediately tell her that I won’t be changing jobs for no pay increase, obviously, so we part ways.

Fast forward a week, I get a call from her again, and she wants to schedule another interview because the hiring manager saw my resume and they really want to hire me. Seems good, I go through two interviews a few days later, hours of effort put in. They end the final conversation by saying “yeah so since you’re 6 months shy of the cutoff, this would be for the lower-paying position.” “The position I turned down last week?” “…Yeah, unfortunately.”

…I’m tired of this bs. I don’t even understand their logic, why waste everyone’s time like this??

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