
Red flags and I didn’t get my pay. Am I right to believe the company is in serious financial trouble?

I am suppose to be paid the 15th and 1st of every month. I understand that if pay dates fall on a weekend there can be a delay with your bank BUT I have ALWAYS gotten my pay statement the last day of the month 29th/30th/31st or a day or two before the 15th, never past or on the day im to be paid. Its the 2nd and I’ve not even received the statement. Which leads me to believe that the pay has not even been submitted to the bank yet (am I right to assume this?). There have also been a some red flags within the past month indicating that the company may be struggling, such as: The first of September a subscription that is required for us employees to do our job was “expired”. Upon inquiring the subscription company told us the payment method was declined. My boss…

I am suppose to be paid the 15th and 1st of every month. I understand that if pay dates fall on a weekend there can be a delay with your bank BUT I have ALWAYS gotten my pay statement the last day of the month 29th/30th/31st or a day or two before the 15th, never past or on the day im to be paid. Its the 2nd and I’ve not even received the statement. Which leads me to believe that the pay has not even been submitted to the bank yet (am I right to assume this?).

There have also been a some red flags within the past month indicating that the company may be struggling, such as:

The first of September a subscription that is required for us employees to do our job was “expired”. Upon inquiring the subscription company told us the payment method was declined. My boss was very annoyed by this, blamed it all on the subscription company being incompetent then later claimed the company credit card was “compromised” and cancelled by visa without notice. I took her word for it and didn’t think anything of it until later that month……when my other boss made comments about the company HR system being faulty. Apparently, the first of the month came and they were “freaking out” because none of their clients invoices were processed and therefore no money came in…. This was apparently only discovered because our HR/payroll person was away on vacation and this “glitch” was something she worked around rather then telling them. Ok, sure….. I could have accepted that IF it wasn’t for the fact later in the conversation he tripped up. He had stated the glitch was if a clients credit card was declined it booted them out of their system entirely…. Theres no way in hell every clients card was “declined” and they were all booted from the system.

Nothing is adding up here. But I really needed this pay on time, im now late on my full rent as I had already paid daycare fees thinking my pay would be there! I do not want to go to work tomorrow…. I know they will make excuses that pay was late because it was a weekend…..but surely it that was the case I would have received my pay statement at the very least!

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