
Reddit I need your help/advice! Boss physically assaulted coworker for SECOND time.

​ Long story short.. Last November I started working at a very small company that grows marijuana. There is the owner of company who I'll call Money Man (MM). He is rarely there. The two boss/managers are MM's little brother (LB), and a convicted murderer (CM) MM hired to get the rooms set up and help manage the place. Then there is me. That's the company. ​ Before I started working there Convicted Murder (CM) physically assaulted the Little Brother (LB) over some argument that I have no idea what was about. He wasn't hurt too bad but i believe that he got a few scratches and bruises. That was assault number 1. Well yesterday when I was driving to work and I get a call from LB saying to turn around and take the day off with pay because he was physically assaulted again. Apparently LB was being bullied…

Long story short.. Last November I started working at a very small company that grows marijuana. There is the owner of company who I'll call Money Man (MM). He is rarely there. The two boss/managers are MM's little brother (LB), and a convicted murderer (CM) MM hired to get the rooms set up and help manage the place. Then there is me. That's the company.

Before I started working there Convicted Murder (CM) physically assaulted the Little Brother (LB) over some argument that I have no idea what was about. He wasn't hurt too bad but i believe that he got a few scratches and bruises. That was assault number 1. Well yesterday when I was driving to work and I get a call from LB saying to turn around and take the day off with pay because he was physically assaulted again. Apparently LB was being bullied (as usual) from the convicted killer and said something along the lines of “I'm not your prison bitch” and that set him off and CM grabbed LBs throat and pulled his hair and roughed him up. That is assault number 2.

Yesterday MM asked me to come to his other office across town for a talk. He basically just wanted to know my impression of the work being done and the relationship between my two bosses, didn't seem overly concerned about the violence. I actually had to bring it up. I told him the truth that CM is a bully and after doing 20 years in prison for murder he's quite aggressive. MM did not seem to mind too much that a coworker was assaulted for the second time on his property and he said he would talk to CM and tell him that is unacceptable. I think because it was his little brother that was assaulted that it seems to be ok (ish). MM seems to have a soft spot for the CM and wants to change him or save him or some kind of bs, but having to deal with this at my employment is becoming a challenge. The job does not pay much but it is real close to my house so as much as I should leave, still gotta pay bills ya know. CM is a bully and loves to talk about his prison days and tries to intimidate both LB and myself, but LB is younger and much more susceptible.

My problem is I am concerned CM is going to assault me next, he certainly is capable and more than willing to put his hands on someone. MM has called a meeting where all of us are together on Monday and wants to talk about the business and how we are going to proceed. I have a voice recorder that I want to take with me during the meeting and as soon as it starts I want to ask if I can record this “So I don't forget anything.” I'm sure that will be ok and I'm going to directly ask the MM, with everyone present that since he is fully aware of the TWO assaults on his property, if that is something I should be concerned about. I just want proof that he knows one of his employees is violent and has a history of assaulting people on his property, while at work. This is just in case I need to prove anything to anyone in case something happens.

CM did con these guys into working there anyway. They were desperate for help and he said the right things they wanted to hear and boom, he weaseled his way into this family business and gets a salary on top of a percentage. So, in way MM has sunk so much time and money into this guy I can kinda see how he doesn't want to admit he's wrong.

Anyway, I figured if anyone could give me some advice Antiwork is the place to go. I really would appreciate anything you could tell me to put myself in a more advantageous position. I would definitely consider this a hostile work environment, but I have only been there 4 months so I don't think I qualify for unemployment. I do know that if i get assaulted at work, by the manager who is a violent felon, whom the rich owner knows is violent with employees, i may want financial compensation.


TLDR: Manager of marijuana farm beat up comanager twice and rich owner doesn't seem to care. I need advice to be in the best litigious position I can be in just in case it happens to me.

Thank you

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