
Rejected first job offer, don’t settle for the first thing you get

First time posting. I’ve been applying for graduate jobs in the tech field, it’s tough and there are so many hoops to jump through. The first job was for an insurance company in data science. Decent job, and to be fair to them, they were nice. The team was nice, I actually interviewed with the team I would be joining, and my recruiter was nice and followed up frequently. That aside, the process was LONG. In total it was 6 stages. Application, online competency tests, online recorded video interview, a real interview with the team, an assessment centre, and a final HR interview. It was a really long process, all for one position. I managed to pass all of them and secured the only position. I was very happy But, because of my experience, I had several other job applications out at the same time. And after getting this offer,…

First time posting.

I’ve been applying for graduate jobs in the tech field, it’s tough and there are so many hoops to jump through.

The first job was for an insurance company in data science. Decent job, and to be fair to them, they were nice. The team was nice, I actually interviewed with the team I would be joining, and my recruiter was nice and followed up frequently.
That aside, the process was LONG. In total it was 6 stages. Application, online competency tests, online recorded video interview, a real interview with the team, an assessment centre, and a final HR interview. It was a really long process, all for one position. I managed to pass all of them and secured the only position. I was very happy

But, because of my experience, I had several other job applications out at the same time. And after getting this offer, I decided to finish out my other applications. But because I already had an offer, I wasn’t terribly worried going into them.
I didn’t feel the need to try and suck up so they would hire me. I was more honest and asked more questions, mainly about what they would offer me.

I ended up getting two more job offers, one from a major bank and one with a government department. Both had better benefits and compensation, and offered much more flexibility and paths to choose from after a couple of years.
The other thing that stung me was that when I received the contract from the first job, it was £8k less than what i remember the advert listing. Unfortunately I couldn’t find the original advert, so there wasn’t any way of proving this.

So I accepted one of the other jobs.

Last week I had a catch-up call with the original recruiter, that I missed. We agreed to reschedule but her schedule was full for this week. In my reply I dropped that I had accepted another offer and wouldn’t be joining them. All of a sudden she was available this week.

I went out of professionalism and the fact they had been respectful throughout the process.
In the call, she said that they were sad to have lost me.
But they admitted that it is a candidate market.
No offer to try and keep me. Not surprised as I would have been shocked at because that isn’t a thing for graduates.

I had reservations about rejecting the first offer, but from this subreddit I’ve taken the attitude to value myself and not settle for less. My new job pays what I was expecting, and offers much better benefits. My view is that even though the first company will need to go through the recruitment process again, that’s not my problem, and I need what is best for me.

So don’t settle for the first thing you get, if you are able. If one company will accept you, others will too.

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