
Remember, clever capitalists know that your interests are not aligned.

Sometimes, I look at articles from capitalist and conservative sources, just to understand the enemy so to speak. What's interesting is how often they recognize the same facts we do, but from the perspective of evil. Take this article: From the first paragraph, this guy says the same things Marxists do: That the workers and owners have fundamentally different interests. No illusion of benevolent paternalism here: This ghoul knows that the best case scenario for him is often the worse case scenario for the employees. What can we take away from this? It's a helpful reminder that conflict theory is right and that our bosses really don't have good intentions towards us.

Sometimes, I look at articles from capitalist and conservative sources, just to understand the enemy so to speak. What's interesting is how often they recognize the same facts we do, but from the perspective of evil. Take this article:

From the first paragraph, this guy says the same things Marxists do: That the workers and owners have fundamentally different interests. No illusion of benevolent paternalism here: This ghoul knows that the best case scenario for him is often the worse case scenario for the employees.

What can we take away from this? It's a helpful reminder that conflict theory is right and that our bosses really don't have good intentions towards us.

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