
Reminder that the internet is not real. You must go organize in the real world.

It's great that we can tell each other stories here and commiserate about how much it sucks to be wage slaves. It's really nice compared to when we didn't have places like this. It's a welcome comfort. But that's all it is. So many people say things like “why aren't we doing anything”? I'll tell you why. Because the internet is not real. We need large real-world organizations to wield power in the real world. That means that large numbers of people need to show up, in person, consistently for years on end, to work with people in the real world to end our shared oppression. Right now the situation is that there are a scattering of small groups in most places. Each of these groups has single digit, maybe if they're lucky double-digit numbers of active members. These people do all the paperwork, all the organizing work, come up…

It's great that we can tell each other stories here and commiserate about how much it sucks to be wage slaves. It's really nice compared to when we didn't have places like this. It's a welcome comfort. But that's all it is.

So many people say things like “why aren't we doing anything”? I'll tell you why. Because the internet is not real.

We need large real-world organizations to wield power in the real world. That means that large numbers of people need to show up, in person, consistently for years on end, to work with people in the real world to end our shared oppression.

Right now the situation is that there are a scattering of small groups in most places. Each of these groups has single digit, maybe if they're lucky double-digit numbers of active members. These people do all the paperwork, all the organizing work, come up with all the ideas, do all the actual labor, organize and mobilize people, contribute outsize amounts of their own cash to buy or print materials for actions, etc. After a few years of this they get burned out from having to do everything, and you better pray there's an excited new member to take their place because if not your org is dead.


In a few places, mostly big cities, we are starting to see the critical mass needed to sustain orgs when the tide of historical events has receded. Without this critical mass, we will see only occasional outbursts from the working class when something horrible happens, which will fade away after a month or so, and therefore will not be able to achieve significant goals or resist rollbacks.

Now, every time something horrible happens, our orgs get a little bigger and our community ties get a little deeper. Then they decay until the next thing happens. Eventually they will get big enough to be self sustaining like this. But in order to make that happen faster, every person needs to go be active in the real world. Most importantly, EVERY PERSON NEEDS TO *KEEP SHOWING UP*.

You don't need a grand plan to execute. You don't need to know everything about everything. All you need to do is show up and keep showing up. Ideally you can find an org that has social events – even just going to social events fulfills your duty.

Now this will be boring. This will be painful. You may encounter socially awkward people or you may be socially awkward yourself. You will probably find yourself in conflict about your beliefs. This is all necessary if we are to unify. Everyone has a million weird beliefs, but we need to come together.

What would you do to change things? What can you contribute to our struggle? If the answer is “ANYTHING… except going outside and talking to people and committing myself to something”… then we are all fucked.

Join any org. If you don't like it, maybe switch to another one. If you don't like any of the orgs in your town, make your own. If nobody shows up to your meetings, suck it up and go join the least bad org in your town that has people.

I can't explain why this is necessary through text. It's too complex. But I can't be any louder or clearer about the fact that it is absolutely necessary.


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