
Remote job: Cameras on at ALL TIMES!

Just started a new job and they are camera Nazis in training. I literally will turn mine off for about a minute a few times just to stand up and I get messages saying I'm violating training policy. It's so micro managy. Like, I'm a grown-ass adult. I know I need to pay attention in training if I want to succeed. Why must I be watched the entire day? I know it's so they can make sure people are there and paying attention but it's just absurd. Multiple times a day the trainers are bitching about cameras. Feels like I'm a kid in high school. I personally get a lot of anxiety having to look at myself and it's super distracting to me. I'd be able to pay attention more if I was off camera. Anyway, just wanted to vent. Is it like that with all remote jobs?

Just started a new job and they are camera Nazis in training. I literally will turn mine off for about a minute a few times just to stand up and I get messages saying I'm violating training policy. It's so micro managy. Like, I'm a grown-ass adult. I know I need to pay attention in training if I want to succeed. Why must I be watched the entire day? I know it's so they can make sure people are there and paying attention but it's just absurd. Multiple times a day the trainers are bitching about cameras. Feels like I'm a kid in high school. I personally get a lot of anxiety having to look at myself and it's super distracting to me. I'd be able to pay attention more if I was off camera. Anyway, just wanted to vent. Is it like that with all remote jobs?

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