
Remote Job Tips

So my work went “hybrid” and want us to come back into the office. There is basically no need for me to be in an office setting for my job (Enterprise level IT) and my team worked remote for over 2 years with no problem. This is my first “post college” job and have worked it for 5 years, so now I'm applying to remote opportunities. For those that went from office to remote, what tips do you have for getting a remote job and what worked for you? Currently I'm just making it a goal to apply to 4 to 5 places a day and see what happens. I do think it is the right time for me to change companies so I don't get stuck in the same position forever. Edit – Just want to clarify I enjoy the current job now and am thankful to even have…

So my work went “hybrid” and want us to come back into the office. There is basically no need for me to be in an office setting for my job (Enterprise level IT) and my team worked remote for over 2 years with no problem. This is my first “post college” job and have worked it for 5 years, so now I'm applying to remote opportunities.

For those that went from office to remote, what tips do you have for getting a remote job and what worked for you? Currently I'm just making it a goal to apply to 4 to 5 places a day and see what happens. I do think it is the right time for me to change companies so I don't get stuck in the same position forever.

Edit – Just want to clarify I enjoy the current job now and am thankful to even have a job, but I just find it pointless to go into a cubical for 8 hours when I get more work done from home.

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