
Remote work end = illness

This isn't about me, but a good friend and I'm pissed. Her company slowly degraded wfh, no legit reason, just wanted everyone in the office. No masks required. No shots. She has asthma. First she gets COVID and their “wellness committee” says 3 days should cure her. What?? Well, it took longer. She recovered, back to the office. She's back about a month. She's sick again. Now lies in the ICU with pneumonia, influenza and other complications. She may or may not make it, it's all up in the air. She had her shots, but they made her go back to that damn Petrie dish for no reason. Her job is not public facing. She's a tech. I really hate corporate America.

This isn't about me, but a good friend and I'm pissed. Her company slowly degraded wfh, no legit reason, just wanted everyone in the office. No masks required. No shots. She has asthma. First she gets COVID and their “wellness committee” says 3 days should cure her. What?? Well, it took longer. She recovered, back to the office. She's back about a month. She's sick again. Now lies in the ICU with pneumonia, influenza and other complications. She may or may not make it, it's all up in the air. She had her shots, but they made her go back to that damn Petrie dish for no reason. Her job is not public facing. She's a tech. I really hate corporate America.

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