
Rent is such a scam even massive corps gets screwed by it

Throw away because company finances are technically sensitive info. All money is in AUD. What inspired this post was I saw someone talking about how small business are getting shafted by rent. I work for one of the big Liquor companies in Australia and I can tell you that even the big boys get obliterated by rent. The retail store I work for pulls in ~60k in revenue, base line, each week. Last week we did ~75k. We are routinely one of the best performing stores in the state, usually in the top 10 sometimes the top 5. We spend ~4% of our budget on wages, normally only 3 people work any given day. That's it. And this store is in the red. Because it's in a mall, nearly 70% of the budget is spent on rent, which is clearly insane. It's gotten so bad that our manager is basically…

Throw away because company finances are technically sensitive info. All money is in AUD.

What inspired this post was I saw someone talking about how small business are getting shafted by rent.

I work for one of the big Liquor companies in Australia and I can tell you that even the big boys get obliterated by rent. The retail store I work for pulls in ~60k in revenue, base line, each week. Last week we did ~75k. We are routinely one of the best performing stores in the state, usually in the top 10 sometimes the top 5. We spend ~4% of our budget on wages, normally only 3 people work any given day. That's it. And this store is in the red. Because it's in a mall, nearly 70% of the budget is spent on rent, which is clearly insane. It's gotten so bad that our manager is basically just trying to find us shifts at other stores so we can get our guaranteed minimum hours in because he cannot give us the shifts at the store or else upper management will get on his ass about going over budget.

To put this in perspective a pub that the company also operates nearby only brings in ~85k revenue each week. The pub has 3 salaried Assistant managers on ~69k a year, 1 salaried Venue manager on more than that, the head chef who is on a salary of at least ~60k a year, and then nearly 10 waged staff on each day for about 7 hours each average. Despite all this money being spent on wages and salaries they make plenty of money because we own the building. The staff at the pub get generous hours because they have a massive wage budget, and if they go over budget it's fine because the pub is in the green so if the manager thinks they need more people on they can go for it. Or give more people Sunday shifts (you get 150% base pay on Sunday in AUS on most award rates as a Part-Timer with Casuals getting 175%).

Rent is unironically such a massive drain on the economy it isn't funny, it shouldn't just be illegal it should be treason and landlords who gouge should have very nasty things happen to them. Our store has had multiple massive leaks in the roof during this winter and center management did fuck all about it except rip a massive hole in our ceiling causing the water to get everywhere.

My fucking manager is powerless to do anything.

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