
rents should not exist

Not main English Talking about house rents, mortgage and if possible no need to buy houses (if you are so well off you can build your house, what is stopping you? There are billions of people who can't, this is for them) Goverment should just buy all the houses. From what money? From our own freaking money. We pay tax so they have funds to improve our society. Because of that, who lives where should be allocated depending on people's needs qnd other criteria. Like quite places, religious or cultural and just so many more. So you will feel more home then ever. No rent, only bills. The bills to include a standar maintenance fee, that because everyone pays, there is enough money to do any necessary repairs. Oh, and please don't start talking about how this is not working. But hey, it's impossible, right? Because housing benefit don't exist.…

Not main English

Talking about house rents, mortgage and if possible no need to buy houses (if you are so well off you can build your house, what is stopping you? There are billions of people who can't, this is for them)

Goverment should just buy all the houses. From what money? From our own freaking money. We pay tax so they have funds to improve our society.

Because of that, who lives where should be allocated depending on people's needs qnd other criteria. Like quite places, religious or cultural and just so many more. So you will feel more home then ever.

No rent, only bills. The bills to include a standar maintenance fee, that because everyone pays, there is enough money to do any necessary repairs.

Oh, and please don't start talking about how this is not working. But hey, it's impossible, right? Because housing benefit don't exist. Because council houses don't exist. Dorms don't exist (essentially dorms everywhere but not shared). So yeah, surely everyone will fight for places….because alllthoes places definitely don't have criterias who is accepted/s

They exist, like counsel house you nedd to be livingjn said county for at leasr 10 years. People can live better without being under stress for decades how to pay thir mortgage or rent. And this will also allow us to reduce work hour to actually spend time to live in that house. For bilions, a house is an expensive and large hotel where they sleep before going back to work.

But hey, there will be people who take advantage of this to make more money, so let us not change anything so billions and more (thir children and so on) will spend all thir life working to affort a house /s

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