
Reproductive rights is all about maintaining a poor working class.

This is why republicans push it so hard while most people aren’t in favor of it. Limiting reproductive rights, whether that’s abortion or access to contraception is about upward mobility. Teen and early 20s pregnancy causes people not to go to college. Enter the workforce early. And take lower paying jobs to support their family. Corporations need this cheap workforce to maintain their outrageous profit margins and pay these politicians and judges off to make it happen. This isn’t just a bodily autonomy issue, this is a workers rights issue.

This is why republicans push it so hard while most people aren’t in favor of it. Limiting reproductive rights, whether that’s abortion or access to contraception is about upward mobility.

Teen and early 20s pregnancy causes people not to go to college. Enter the workforce early. And take lower paying jobs to support their family. Corporations need this cheap workforce to maintain their outrageous profit margins and pay these politicians and judges off to make it happen.

This isn’t just a bodily autonomy issue, this is a workers rights issue.

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