
Request for accommodation after a failed drug test

I smoke medical marijuana and use it for both anxiety and insomnia. I live in California, have a medical cannabis card, and work at The Home Depot. I recently I got into a minor forklift accident where I damaged a door and had to get drug tested. I let my manager know I smoke weed medically, and that I would fail the test. I took the test anyways, and my manager let me know the only way it would work is if I filled out a request for accommodation form, otherwise I would be terminated. I am currently on paid leave until we figure out the situation. I need to have a doctor sign it and/or fill it out, and I don't have a doctor, and if I do, I don't know about them. The wait time to schedule an appointment is on the scale of months, and I can't…

I smoke medical marijuana and use it for both anxiety and insomnia. I live in California, have a medical cannabis card, and work at The Home Depot. I recently I got into a minor forklift accident where I damaged a door and had to get drug tested. I let my manager know I smoke weed medically, and that I would fail the test. I took the test anyways, and my manager let me know the only way it would work is if I filled out a request for accommodation form, otherwise I would be terminated. I am currently on paid leave until we figure out the situation. I need to have a doctor sign it and/or fill it out, and I don't have a doctor, and if I do, I don't know about them. The wait time to schedule an appointment is on the scale of months, and I can't wait that long. Should I go to a walk in clinic and have them fill it out with me, or should I wait for the appointment?

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