
Requesting time off “too late”

This is more so a rant post I guess. At the job I have right now, I was unable to put in any requests for time off that I need because for one, my employee ID number wasn’t working and two, I was told the wrong app we use for requests. The ID number not working already took time away from my request deadline, and then being told the wrong app took even more time away from the deadline. I told my boss the days I won’t be in and the reason I was unable to meet the 3 week deadline. She basically tells me I was being irresponsible and am not following company policy for not putting requests in with 3 weeks ahead of time. She also said I should’ve contacted HR if about my ID number not working, which I already did. But being told to use the…

This is more so a rant post I guess. At the job I have right now, I was unable to put in any requests for time off that I need because for one, my employee ID number wasn’t working and two, I was told the wrong app we use for requests. The ID number not working already took time away from my request deadline, and then being told the wrong app took even more time away from the deadline. I told my boss the days I won’t be in and the reason I was unable to meet the 3 week deadline. She basically tells me I was being irresponsible and am not following company policy for not putting requests in with 3 weeks ahead of time. She also said I should’ve contacted HR if about my ID number not working, which I already did. But being told to use the wrong app to request time off didn’t help either and that’s what really pushed me over the cutoff time. I will not be in the state on the days I need off, but she’s giving me attitude through her texts and basically treating me like I was being disrespectful, irresponsible and a no show. She also knew about my ID number not working, so I’m a bit confused on why she’s acting like I didn’t go get it fixed. Regardless, I don’t think I’m being rude or disrespectful at all. She told me to find coverage for those days and I said I would, but still said I won’t be in regardless… because I physically can’t. This isn’t even a request really either. It’s a warning that I won’t even be in the same state as them so I can’t work. I’ve been nothing but respectful in my messages, so for her to respond as if I said I was walking out is childish. She also basically called me uneducated because I forgot which app it was that we use to request off. It’s not exactly my fault since the ID number didn’t work at first and I was told the wrong app. If I get fired over this I will be livid since I’m in no way acting out, in no way being a no call no show and it wasn’t my fault! I can’t stand bosses that act like this and I will not deal with it either. Being too nice to them just gives them the idea they can walk all over you. I have a backup job anyway if they do pull something. I just wanted to rant about this because it’s happening as I type and honestly made me feel like I was in the wrong with how she’s speaking to me. Anyways, that’s all.

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