
“Required” to pay back training costs

I put in my notice with my boss, I had only been there a few months. I had been hired by someone I knew personally, and somehow she ended up being my direct supervisor (red flag). I wasn’t getting the hours I was promised upon hire, and also could just tell the company wasn’t a good fit for me and it was making me miserable. Like my mental health has been BAD and I’m hardly able to focus on the job or get through the day without crying. I did feel I experienced a lack of professionalism with this company in general but hugely a problem was deliverance of constructive feedback. For example, her sending me screenshots from her own private conversations discussing me with clients (I’d be livid if I was a client and learned that) and just general snark when I made a mistake and was asked to…

I put in my notice with my boss, I had only been there a few months. I had been hired by someone I knew personally, and somehow she ended up being my direct supervisor (red flag). I wasn’t getting the hours I was promised upon hire, and also could just tell the company wasn’t a good fit for me and it was making me miserable. Like my mental health has been BAD and I’m hardly able to focus on the job or get through the day without crying.

I did feel I experienced a lack of professionalism with this company in general but hugely a problem was deliverance of constructive feedback. For example, her sending me screenshots from her own private conversations discussing me with clients (I’d be livid if I was a client and learned that) and just general snark when I made a mistake and was asked to explain myself. She admitted that she would sometimes cross lines like that because we knew each other, which is unfortunate because I just wanted to be treated like any other employee.

Still… I was willing to put in notice and try to end on a good note. I think she was pissed I was quitting at all. I say this because she responded to me while I was working all in caps and remarked at the short time I had been there and said it was really unexpected. I responded that I knew it was unexpected for them, but I would be able to call and discuss what was going on in more detail shortly (less than 30 min) when I was not with a client. She agreed, but then a few min later began texting me about how I would be “required to pay back my cost of training, because it was in the employment contract I signed” since I hadn’t been with the company 1 year and how “that would suck” with emojis. Saying that the company invests a lot of money in training and the policy exists for that reason if people don’t follow through on their commitment.

At that point we kind of got into it cause I had been fed up and now felt like I was being threatened or bullied to stay with leverage.
I poured through the contract and can’t really see anything in there about it, but there is a section about terminating the contract without standard notice would cause injury to the other party but that it may be terminated with “X weeks notice”The contract is extremely hard to read anyway, so it’s possible I just don’t understand it.

I told her to invoice me and consider my resignation effective immediately . I could just tell if I stayed it would be even more hellish and why would I give notice if I would be charged regardless. She didn’t even check her notes before going off on me because my training costs ended up being less than $75 so that’s embarrassing🫣

Edit: added spaces so it’s not one big paragraph

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