
Required training

I’m looking for some advice from this community, as I’m a little bit baffled on both the response from management and how to move forward with my own reaction: Long story short, I took on a new job that required some in house training. You know, some examples include WHMIS, defensive driving, etc. To be clear, these are requirements for this particular position. I complete the training in roughly a work days worth of hours. I submit my training and hours for compensation and am off-handedly told they only pay a half day for training. I made it clear that it took me an entire day and no further debate from management was levied my way; so I assumed that the dispute was resolved. My first pay stub comes around and I see they have shorted me a half day of pay; of which I assume is there ridiculous half…

I’m looking for some advice from this community, as I’m a little bit baffled on both the response from management and how to move forward with my own reaction:

Long story short, I took on a new job that required some in house training. You know, some examples include WHMIS, defensive driving, etc. To be clear, these are requirements for this particular position.

I complete the training in roughly a work days worth of hours. I submit my training and hours for compensation and am off-handedly told they only pay a half day for training. I made it clear that it took me an entire day and no further debate from management was levied my way; so I assumed that the dispute was resolved.

My first pay stub comes around and I see they have shorted me a half day of pay; of which I assume is there ridiculous half day training policy. How do I rectify this? If a manager signed off on my hours and I was then shorted hours, are they not legally responsible to pay X amount? I contacted head management and received “we will look into it.” Every dollar counts these days.

For reference, this is Ontario, Canada.

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