
Research Stipends and work for the University aren’t paid on time. Do I have any rights?

In the Spring/Fall they're not very high, and can be used for my basic expenses, such as food and some utilities. In the Summer they're a good bit higher and can be used towards bigger costs, such as rent. The issue is, the stipends are suppose to take x number of weeks to hit our accounts. They don't for 1 week to up to 2 months later than that. One time I had a check bounce from the school, I got charged a small amount for their bounce, but they didn't even pay me back. I just want a reliable payment processing from the University itself. I highly doubt the professors or other staff would be okay with payments that are late. Also, I really enjoy the research and people I'm around, so I don't want to quit or anything or even make a big deal out of it. I…

In the Spring/Fall they're not very high, and can be used for my basic expenses, such as food and some utilities. In the Summer they're a good bit higher and can be used towards bigger costs, such as rent. The issue is, the stipends are suppose to take x number of weeks to hit our accounts. They don't for 1 week to up to 2 months later than that. One time I had a check bounce from the school, I got charged a small amount for their bounce, but they didn't even pay me back.

I just want a reliable payment processing from the University itself. I highly doubt the professors or other staff would be okay with payments that are late. Also, I really enjoy the research and people I'm around, so I don't want to quit or anything or even make a big deal out of it. I just want to know if it's possible to nudge the University itself to get it to us quicker (as it's not the research people that are doing it, it's the University). I'm also doing some work for the university in a second capacity this Summer as well, without a contract other than saying I will be paid x amount, and it's been a month, with no payment.

This is California if it makes any difference.

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