
Resign due to erratic management, manager proceeds to act erratic…

Just started this job. Come to find out that in our department alone, no less than 8 people have quit or been fired in the last year. The company only has 36 people in the office. In our first meeting as a department manager says they’re pushing out “shit” in regard to their work, says that to the hardest working and most senior member of the department. This is my second day on the job. Team lead is supposed to train us(not the lady who got shit on by the manager.) She doesn’t. My training falls behind and I start to struggle a lot. Especially since I’m expected to act like a fully trained employee. I only ever sign off on 2/8 weeks of my training. Manager goes on vacation. Team lead checks out and also gives her notice and stops showing up so my training becomes more uneven and…

Just started this job. Come to find out that in our department alone, no less than 8 people have quit or been fired in the last year. The company only has 36 people in the office.

In our first meeting as a department manager says they’re pushing out “shit” in regard to their work, says that to the hardest working and most senior member of the department. This is my second day on the job.

Team lead is supposed to train us(not the lady who got shit on by the manager.) She doesn’t. My training falls behind and I start to struggle a lot. Especially since I’m expected to act like a fully trained employee. I only ever sign off on 2/8 weeks of my training.

Manager goes on vacation. Team lead checks out and also gives her notice and stops showing up so my training becomes more uneven and useless. Team lead’s best friend also quits.

Manager finally comes back Wednesday. Tells me she’s moving me out of department without asking me why I was struggling or what happened, or even if I want to move. Turns out they a) we’re going to fire me if team lead’s best friend hadn’t stopped showing up b) had already hired for my position.

So I quit. My erratic manager immediately flips out, starts an argument about me calling management erratic when I go to pick up my check, latches on to me not giving my two weeks’ notice and not texting her my problems when she was on vacation, then proceeds to prove my point by going around the office and telling everyone about said confrontation she started and trying to start shit with my friends in the office purely due to association.

Oh and they were paying me 16.75 an hour.

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