
Resigned after being physically harrased

Last week I resigned from my job. There were many things wrong happening there but being physically harassed was the final straw. Long story s̶h̶o̶r̶t̶, My coworker who I was a training put the wrong item in the wrong container (despite the containers and items being labeled) and passed it down the production line and I wasn't there to correct it when he did that. (Personally, I don't mind when people make mistakes, plus the guy is new and he was actually a funny person. Before he got hired, I was a one man operation. Loading and unloading material, monitoring and maintaining FOUR MACHINES.) Eventually that container goes down the line to my supervisor. My supervisor sees the mistake and walks over to my desk with said wrong container with the wrong item inside it and tosses (not places, tosses) it onto my desk. After seeing him toss it onto…

Last week I resigned from my job. There were many things wrong happening there but being physically harassed was the final straw. Long story s̶h̶o̶r̶t̶, My coworker who I was a training put the wrong item in the wrong container (despite the containers and items being labeled) and passed it down the production line and I wasn't there to correct it when he did that. (Personally, I don't mind when people make mistakes, plus the guy is new and he was actually a funny person. Before he got hired, I was a one man operation. Loading and unloading material, monitoring and maintaining FOUR MACHINES.) Eventually that container goes down the line to my supervisor. My supervisor sees the mistake and walks over to my desk with said wrong container with the wrong item inside it and tosses (not places, tosses) it onto my desk. After seeing him toss it onto my desk, I now know he's upset because he does stuff like this when he's upset. And when he's upset, everyone knows he's upset. So we're both standing there staring at this container. He then asks me where's the correct item for this container. Now I'm trying to figure out what's wrong while also feeling intimidated by my supervisor. So I say, “Let me check the other containers and to see which one might be the right one.” As soon as I took a step to my left, he grabs my wrist and pulls me back to where I was standing. He says “Don't do this again.” and walks away. I was standing there shocked. I walked over to my coworker and explained to him to make sure that he checks the labeling before he sorts things. Later that day I told him about the grabbing incident and he was shocked as well. I didn't report it to management because my supervisor is close to the administrator and I was of afraid of retaliation. AND I STILL SHOWED UP TO WORK THE NEXT DAY. At that point in time, my coworker had been working with me for almost 2 weeks. During those two weeks I was dropping truth bombs on him about how this company handles things and how the work environment really is. He even witnessed it himself. The running joke between us was casually mentioning to each other that “I'm just gonna walk out midshift”. But when we both showed up the next day and again, him listening to me talk about how badly things are run here, he genuinely asks me “Why don't you just leave?” to which I reply, “I don't know.” jokingly adding on, ” But if you left, I would completely understand and would be happy for you.” Later during the shift , the nightshift supervisor (he comes in around 2:30PM, I leave at 4PM) decides to bring over a cart full of unfinished work (of a material I don't primarily process) and tells us that my coworker needs to learn how to process it as well. Night shift supervisor walks away and my coworker says to me, “Yeah, I think I'm quitting.” I laugh but then I realize he's serious. And I say, ” Wait are you serious?” He replies,” Yeah, that cart was the breaking point for me.” To which we both laughed and I said, ” If you're quitting, Im quitting too.” We finished our shift and walked out of that place. You could literally feel the difference in atmosphere just walking out of that place. We said our farewells to each other in the parking lot and got in our cars and drove off. I then wrote a resignation letter through text to the administrator's assistant explaining the incident. The next day I let HR know what happen as well. Thanks for reading this far and what do you guys think is the best course of action after reporting it to HR?

TLDR – Hostile work environment. Trainee coworker made a mistake. Supervisor grabbed my wrist. I resigned.

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