
Resigned from a large US/Global company with no notice as I was boarding a flight to return to the UK. It was one of the most relieving moments in my life.

I worked for this company in the UK for 3 years prior to transferring across to the US division in the summer of 2021. Initial months were okay, just adjusting to US systems, getting myself set up in the US etc. Then around October 2021, there was a heavy workflow with regards to a critical phase of the project (I work in construction). This would involve working some days 36hrs straight, to complete certain activities. On those occasions I asked for OT (I’m salaried) which was denied. The senior management just laughed it off and expected it to be done. This didn’t sit right with, and I kept it noted for anything future related. After this the weeks were getting worse, doing 80-90hrs per week, with little to no time to myself. Mentally I was coping, I kept saying to myself some pain before seeing the benefits in the long…

I worked for this company in the UK for 3 years prior to transferring across to the US division in the summer of 2021.

Initial months were okay, just adjusting to US systems, getting myself set up in the US etc.

Then around October 2021, there was a heavy workflow with regards to a critical phase of the project (I work in construction). This would involve working some days 36hrs straight, to complete certain activities. On those occasions I asked for OT (I’m salaried) which was denied. The senior management just laughed it off and expected it to be done. This didn’t sit right with, and I kept it noted for anything future related.

After this the weeks were getting worse, doing 80-90hrs per week, with little to no time to myself. Mentally I was coping, I kept saying to myself some pain before seeing the benefits in the long run.

In February this year, I injured myself on site (tore 2 ligaments in my ankle) and had to go to a clinic (probably happened due to being exhausted). I reported it up the chain of command, to make people aware. After 1 week I heard nothing at all from the company with regards to the incident not even one phone call to see how I am. This was super concerning, as the company procedures I was aware of was for either someone from H&S/HR to follow up to do an incident report.

At the same time I was having issues getting a social security number issued. There was some communication problem across USCIS and Social security to validate one of my records. I informed HR of this. There response to this was if not received by … date (1 week time from the email I sent) we will terminate your contract. This really triggered me. As long as I’ve applied for a SSN and haven’t been rejected I can legally work in the US. I got directors involved from the global headquarters, and made sure they where aware of this and that I was injured on site, and no one even followed up with me.

From this i received numerous phone calls with regards to my well being. Hallelujah finally! Strangely I had to do the incident report myself, at least it was recorded.

With the SSN number the date for terminating my contract came and gone and nothing happened. In meantime I was solving the issue between USCIS and social security. However this really affected my mental health, I was constantly stressed out with the fear of being fired at any time, for something out with my control to solve quickly.

I powered through for a few more weeks, then on Friday, my boss and a close friend got fired for literally no reason, but to cover senior management’s arses. That is a complete separate story.

I took a moment then started listening in the office and my name was being dropped. They where planning for me to take on his duties as well. At that moment I was like screw this, I am already working 80-90hrs a week, how can I do someone else’s job. At that moment I was 75/25 in a favour of resigning immediately.

That evening I got home and searched for flight to return home. One on Sunday was reasonably priced so I booked it. Mind made up, I was like screw them. As I was boarding the flight late on Sunday night I sent my resignation letter/email effective immediately, stating that I was constantly stressed out and I have returned home to improve my mental health. Oh I wish I could of been a fly on the wall today.

I have since talked to my fired boss, they said I had some set off balls and was relieved I had resigned.

My reflection on my experience in US is that there is little to no workers protection rights, and that companies literally hold people to ransom/be slaves for health benefits etc. This isn’t right no one should be have to live like that!! America the greatest country in the world, whoever thinks of that is delusional.

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