
Resigning today after 4 years of service

I have finally reached my breaking point and am officially submitting my two weeks notice today. I manage a team of designers and will generally miss the folks in my department. My new gig is full time remote and offers all the new progressive/fancy things like summer Friday's and unlimited PTO, even tho the pay is a bit less. I don't have a single bad performance review, but our leadership at our company is lacking and the company cultures has shifted. I feel a bit sad leaving for greener pastures, but when respect is no longer being served, it is time to dine elsewhere. I am going to be submitting my notice right before lunch then going out to eat to celebrate with some close friends. Cheers to everyone going through the struggle and toxic workplaces. Stick up for yourself and what you bring to the table, there are tons…

I have finally reached my breaking point and am officially submitting my two weeks notice today.

I manage a team of designers and will generally miss the folks in my department. My new gig is full time remote and offers all the new progressive/fancy things like summer Friday's and unlimited PTO, even tho the pay is a bit less. I don't have a single bad performance review, but our leadership at our company is lacking and the company cultures has shifted.

I feel a bit sad leaving for greener pastures, but when respect is no longer being served, it is time to dine elsewhere. I am going to be submitting my notice right before lunch then going out to eat to celebrate with some close friends. Cheers to everyone going through the struggle and toxic workplaces. Stick up for yourself and what you bring to the table, there are tons of places to work that can change the narrative. If you are uncomfortable about your workplace, do something about it!

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