
Resigning tomorrow,

I have a very nice paying tech job, making great money, but I feel sick to my gut. Tomorrow morning, I'm going to resign and focus on my health and family. When I had Covid, with a 102 fever, my body was aching and sweating from chills but I had to do a one-hour presentation because so many people depended on me to deliver. When my father was hospitalized, I took time off to be with him. The company was 100% supportive, but my boss failed to do any of the items on the prioritized list; I gave him; his failure was mine. I was chastised and talked down upon returning because I failed the team and company. I'm not responsible for being out for so long. They tell you that your health and family come first, but if you do it too often or fail to deliver, it will…

I have a very nice paying tech job, making great money, but I feel sick to my gut. Tomorrow morning, I'm going to resign and focus on my health and family. When I had Covid, with a 102 fever, my body was aching and sweating from chills but I had to do a one-hour presentation because so many people depended on me to deliver. When my father was hospitalized, I took time off to be with him. The company was 100% supportive, but my boss failed to do any of the items on the prioritized list; I gave him; his failure was mine. I was chastised and talked down upon returning because I failed the team and company. I'm not responsible for being out for so long. They tell you that your health and family come first, but if you do it too often or fail to deliver, it will impact you negatively. I had food poisoning, and when I took a day off because I fainted while typing, my boss and my team couldn't function, and I was asked very promptly when I would be back to work. Two weeks ago, I was told that I needed to turn in 10 specs by the end of June; each spec takes about 2-3 weeks to write. My boss's response was, “Why the hell do you think we pay you so much” he didn't feel the same when I told him to make sure spec requests were in back in March. His response, he would get to them when he had time. Life is short, and I'm blessed that I'm in a position to walk away. I feel like I lost my soul and courage working here; money and ease do make cowards of men.

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