
Restaurant owner insulting and shouting because he wants a month’s notice not a week

I'm am absolutely fuming, it's not happened to me but to my wife who has been calling me in tears because of this POS. She works as a chef, gets paid minimum wage (UK) and worked there for 2 years after getting made redundant through covid. They have been treating her poorly from the start and getting worse over time. She's the only female in the kitchen which I'm guessing is the reason. She had enough so started job hunting and got a firm offer today so handed in her notice. Nothing in her contract mentions a notice period so she put in the legal notice of 1 week. She then gets called aside by the owner who then lays into her, insulting her, calling her a “disgusting employee” among other nastiness. He then has the gall to insist she works for a month and that she's owes it to…

I'm am absolutely fuming, it's not happened to me but to my wife who has been calling me in tears because of this POS.

She works as a chef, gets paid minimum wage (UK) and worked there for 2 years after getting made redundant through covid. They have been treating her poorly from the start and getting worse over time. She's the only female in the kitchen which I'm guessing is the reason. She had enough so started job hunting and got a firm offer today so handed in her notice.

Nothing in her contract mentions a notice period so she put in the legal notice of 1 week. She then gets called aside by the owner who then lays into her, insulting her, calling her a “disgusting employee” among other nastiness. He then has the gall to insist she works for a month and that she's owes it to them after what they did for when she was off (she had an operation and they did the bare legal minimum they had to).

This was when she called me in tears not knowing how to cope (bad history with domestic abuse). I'm so angry right now, that after insulting her he then has the gall to try and force her to extend her notice.

He the apperently then over heard ranting to someone else that he's going to have to cancel his holiday to sort this out. Well cry me a river, if you treated your staff well then maybe you wouldn't be short staffed all the fucking time!

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