
Resuming student loan payments is abusive

Resuming student loan payments while gas and housing costs skyrocket is abusive. The propaganda machine has been churning out all kinds of talking points about how student loan forgiveness is unfair and/or only benefits privledged students. It's been interesting to read articles that make these claims because they are identical to the arguments that were deployed against single-payer health insurance and tuition free college. When Bernie Sanders was running in 2016 and 2020 article after article appeared in the mainstream media about how his proposals really benefit the rich. Democrats and Republicans also claimed that people liked their private health insurance and it wouldn't be fair to those people to implement single-payer health insurance in the US. Just like they now claim that student loan forgiveness wouldn't be fair to those who already paid for the loans. Even if some people who are upper class benefit from these proposals it…

Resuming student loan payments while gas and housing costs skyrocket is abusive. The propaganda machine has been churning out all kinds of talking points about how student loan forgiveness is unfair and/or only benefits privledged students.

It's been interesting to read articles that make these claims because they are identical to the arguments that were deployed against single-payer health insurance and tuition free college. When Bernie Sanders was running in 2016 and 2020 article after article appeared in the mainstream media about how his proposals really benefit the rich. Democrats and Republicans also claimed that people liked their private health insurance and it wouldn't be fair to those people to implement single-payer health insurance in the US. Just like they now claim that student loan forgiveness wouldn't be fair to those who already paid for the loans.

Even if some people who are upper class benefit from these proposals it doesn't mean many many more working class and poor people won't benefit. It would be life changing for millions of people struggling each and every day to pay for living expenses for themselves and those who depend on them.

Cancel student loan debt and work out a new system for financing college education. The massive tax cuts on capital gains and free gifts to the wealthy for the past forty years is what has disproportionately benefitted the rich. Cancelling student loan debt is a pittance compared to the money our country just doles out to the rich while getting nothing in return.

Cancel it for students who were told their whole life to go to college so they could get a decent job with good pay but ended up working terrible jobs with low wages. Cancel the debt so people who went to college can pay for housing. Cancel it so people can pay for the private for profit health insurance (no single-payer health insurance) and health care for themselves and their kids.

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