
Retail from hell story found on AITA subreddit So to preface i should have been paying more attention and given correct change but here it goes. Customer checked out with clothes and total bill was 42.37 or something. he initially gave me 43 dollars. I ringed it up and the cash register opened before he blurted out wait dude i never told you i was completely ready and he wanted to pay with a 50 instead. I had to call a manager over to cancel the transaction and he gave me the 50. I put the 50 in and closed the register and he was like “wtf dude, i need my change. I've been really patient with you and next time i'm not going to be nice to you”. I kinda freaked out and needed a manager again to open the register after the sale. He said you really should find another job dude if you cant…

So to preface i should have been paying more attention and given correct change but here it goes.

Customer checked out with clothes and total bill was 42.37 or something. he initially gave me 43 dollars. I ringed it up and the cash register opened before he blurted out wait dude i never told you i was completely ready and he wanted to pay with a 50 instead. I had to call a manager over to cancel the transaction and he gave me the 50. I put the 50 in and closed the register and he was like “wtf dude, i need my change. I've been really patient with you and next time i'm not going to be nice to you”. I kinda freaked out and needed a manager again to open the register after the sale. He said you really should find another job dude if you cant handle a single basic transaction and that he was gonna speak to the manager about getting me fired after this. I am still pretty new at this job. The guy was pretty obese and kind of smelled so i retorted with “yeah and you should lose some weight and maybe lay off mcdonalds ok? and discover deoderant”. ofc he started yelling and screaming and i started yelling back. I got suspended for a week (deserved ik, but can pick up hours at amazon). I felt awful afterwards but only get paid 11 hr and dont wanna take shit from people anymore. AITA?

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