
Retail has turned me into a total misanthrope

I work at a gas station and have been doing retail off and on since I have graduated high school. The first couple of years in retail were actually enjoyable but over the last few years it has really started to suck even more so the last 2 with the pandemic. The place I work at is extremely busy so I never get much of a chance to take bathroom breaks and grab a cup of water or sit for a second to get off my feet because I’m literally trapped behind the fucking counter all night until closing time. Sometimes I do have a backup cashier with me my first couple hours and even still we get that fucking busy. I been getting lots of dumbass customers lately too that waste so many fucking cups and make big messes in the fountain area and so much other shit. The…

I work at a gas station and have been doing retail off and on since I have graduated high school. The first couple of years in retail were actually enjoyable but over the last few years it has really started to suck even more so the last 2 with the pandemic. The place I work at is extremely busy so I never get much of a chance to take bathroom breaks and grab a cup of water or sit for a second to get off my feet because I’m literally trapped behind the fucking counter all night until closing time. Sometimes I do have a backup cashier with me my first couple hours and even still we get that fucking busy. I been getting lots of dumbass customers lately too that waste so many fucking cups and make big messes in the fountain area and so much other shit. The other night when I was working it got so fucking busy a shitload of people showed up at closing time before I could get a chance to turn off the lights and lock the door and of course I had to let them shop and didn’t get off until over an hour after closing time and didn’t get to go to the grocery store after work because they close at midnight and sat in my car crying really hard for almost an hour. I really wanted to beat them over the fucking head with the mop handle and get them to leave. Lately I really feel like I’m turning into Michael Douglas’ character in the movie Falling Down and will snap at any minute. I used to not feel like this but now I feel way too far gone at this point.

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