
Retaliation for sick Leave CA

Hello, Wife called to give notice of intent to use California paid sick leave for an operation. Instead of allowing the sick leave, the employer unscheduled her for the days. We are not currently sure if she can still get paid for the sick leave or if employer will tell her she won’t get paid for it now that she is not scheduled for it and if that will be legal for them to do? TLDR: Can they unschedule her for the day to avoid paying her for the use of sick time?


Wife called to give notice of intent to use California paid sick leave for an operation. Instead of allowing the sick leave, the employer unscheduled her for the days.

We are not currently sure if she can still get paid for the sick leave or if employer will tell her she won’t get paid for it now that she is not scheduled for it and if that will be legal for them to do?

TLDR: Can they unschedule her for the day to avoid paying her for the use of sick time?

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