
Reviving anticapitalist comedy will push the antiwork movement forward

Lately, to combat the soul sucking ways of capitalism, I have been listening to standup comedy while at work. It helps hearing people put into words what I am feeling. Most of what I have been listening to comes from the 1990s to early 2000s. The content speaks true of today, meaning not a thing has changed in at least 30 years. One comedian, above all, has put the consequences of capitalist culture into words better than all others… George Carlin Below are some of his best anti-capitalist, anti-nationalist, anti-consumerist statements about American culture that ring true today. TRIGGER WARNING: Disaster, Eating disorders, Obesity, Suicide, Abortion, Drug use, Homelessness, etc. Carlin Says things in an offensive way as a part of his act and personality. I can promise you when he is saying something offensive, it is leading towards a point about how American Capitalist Culture has created these problems.…

Lately, to combat the soul sucking ways of capitalism, I have been listening to standup comedy while at work. It helps hearing people put into words what I am feeling. Most of what I have been listening to comes from the 1990s to early 2000s. The content speaks true of today, meaning not a thing has changed in at least 30 years.

One comedian, above all, has put the consequences of capitalist culture into words better than all others… George Carlin Below are some of his best anti-capitalist, anti-nationalist, anti-consumerist statements about American culture that ring true today.

TRIGGER WARNING: Disaster, Eating disorders, Obesity, Suicide, Abortion, Drug use, Homelessness, etc. Carlin Says things in an offensive way as a part of his act and personality. I can promise you when he is saying something offensive, it is leading towards a point about how American Capitalist Culture has created these problems.

His content has been considered so “indecent”, there was a Supreme Court ruling in favor of the FCC centered around his content which led to censorship we experience today in American media.

In the comments are links to the best skits of his, with my favorite quotes from each one. Please share this content with like-minded people! Use the points made here as a way to combat the capitalist culture we are all being dominated by.

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