
Rich people are the most anti-work people that have ever existed – but we should work ourselves to death…

OMG these Millionaires and Billionaires are working 80 hours/week and sleeping like 3 hours a day! They got to where they are now by working so much harder than you and making sacrifices and smart inversting and blah blah blah. I cant hear this nonsense anymore. In reality these rich bastards are among the laziest anti – work people on this planet. They basically dont work at all. – Like 99% of them came from wealthy families and had access to resources/connections 99% of other people dont have. So they had an easy headstart that enabled them to experiment and fail several times before getting lucky. – Since they have money they just have to find competent people and pay them for building up “their” company. Its easy as fuck to be succesfull if you have money in abundance you can throw at competent people to build up what you…

OMG these Millionaires and Billionaires are working 80 hours/week and sleeping like 3 hours a day! They got to where they are now by working so much harder than you and making sacrifices and smart inversting and blah blah blah. I cant hear this nonsense anymore.

In reality these rich bastards are among the laziest anti – work people on this planet. They basically dont work at all.

– Like 99% of them came from wealthy families and had access to resources/connections 99% of other people dont have. So they had an easy headstart that enabled them to experiment and fail several times before getting lucky.

– Since they have money they just have to find competent people and pay them for building up “their” company. Its easy as fuck to be succesfull if you have money in abundance you can throw at competent people to build up what you want.

– What they define as “work” most people would regard as vaccations. They have to eat with their partners (gasp) or fly around half the world for a conference that takes two hours and could be done online. OMG I flew 6 hours first class then had a 3 hour meeting where we basically were just drinking and eating and then went sightseeing and shopping. I worked like 14 hours today!

My boss is a Millionaire and he is on vaccation like 2-3 months of the year. The other 9-10 months he spends at the office micro managing – making stupid decisions and who knows what. He comes into the office at around 10 AM and leaves at around 5 PM – in between he goes eating for an hour or so. So thats around 6 hours of “work”. He is never there on the weekends. Had he not come from a rich family he would be homless by now.

He wouldnt make it through one month of his employees but his wagie slaves should work like crazy for peanuts….. I am sick of this world

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