
Ridiculous interview process

So I've worked in food service since high school. Being a chef for 17 years has been awesome. But last year my daughter was born and I wanted to home to see her grow up. I decided to make a pivot to food sales, put my knowledge to use. I applied to 2 of the bigger companies but never heard anything back so I reached out to the company my current job bought from. They explained that they don't like to hire from customers. I understand that, the industry is small. If I wanted to interview I would have to get the ok from my boss. I didn't want to tell my boss that I wanted to interview for another job bc it was just an interview, not an offer. I wasn't in a position where I could potentially lose my job if this interview didn't lead to a job.…

So I've worked in food service since high school. Being a chef for 17 years has been awesome. But last year my daughter was born and I wanted to home to see her grow up. I decided to make a pivot to food sales, put my knowledge to use. I applied to 2 of the bigger companies but never heard anything back so I reached out to the company my current job bought from. They explained that they don't like to hire from customers. I understand that, the industry is small. If I wanted to interview I would have to get the ok from my boss. I didn't want to tell my boss that I wanted to interview for another job bc it was just an interview, not an offer. I wasn't in a position where I could potentially lose my job if this interview didn't lead to a job. So I let this chance go. About a month later, the company reached out to me and asked was I still interested? Yes I was. Great need the ok from your boss to talk. In the time since I had grown fed up with my boss and job that I gleefully asked for the chance to talk to this company. Boss said sure whatever. I have a zoom interview. Goes great. I get another interview, then another. Finally I get invited to a final interview with the VP of sales. I thought the interview went really well. Was told I'd hear early next week bc a deciding manager was on vacation. This is now 4 weeks into this process I have this last interview. I wait impatiently and deadline to hear comes and goes. I reach out to my contact, nothing. Finally I get a form rejection email, I could tell bc my name was in one font and the body of the email in another!!!
They're still advertising the job 2 months later. Fuck those guys

TL;DR had 4 interviews with a company, including VP, got a form rejection email, company still advertising the job 2 months later

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