
Roe vs Wade – Workers Revolt

Unfortunately for us average Americans, our power to influence policy is statistically insignificant. We can organize and vote representatives into office during the midterms in hopes of electing a congress that can enshrine the right to abortion into law. But who wants to wait for the midterms? As evidenced by COVID-19, the workers in the US are the driving force for the economy. Due to the recent overturning of Roe vs Wade, workers need to organize a strike and shut down the economy until the decision is overturned. I think July 5th would be a good date for the start of the strike. If enough people participate/protest/don’t go to work/stay at home, we can give a big middle finger to tiny fraction of people in power who have fought so long to make this a reality. Seriously. Let’s organize this. Edit: just want to add that there is no guarantee…

Unfortunately for us average Americans, our power to influence policy is statistically insignificant. We can organize and vote representatives into office during the midterms in hopes of electing a congress that can enshrine the right to abortion into law. But who wants to wait for the midterms? As evidenced by COVID-19, the workers in the US are the driving force for the economy. Due to the recent overturning of Roe vs Wade, workers need to organize a strike and shut down the economy until the decision is overturned. I think July 5th would be a good date for the start of the strike. If enough people participate/protest/don’t go to work/stay at home, we can give a big middle finger to tiny fraction of people in power who have fought so long to make this a reality.

Seriously. Let’s organize this.

Edit: just want to add that there is no guarantee officials more tolerant to a pro choice stance would be elected in the mid terms due to gerrymandering/voter suppression tactics. The only way to actually make our voices heard is by collectively organizing and showing the oligarchs in power that they’ve prodded the bear for too long and we’re not going to take it any more.

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