
Rotting and invisible in academia…

10+ years of skilled work (university staff) as #2 in a dept. of 4 – VP boss retires. Nobody from leadership has talked to us, except to say “we're proud of your great work and we're sorry you're going to be so lost without Bossperson!” I already did 80% of VP's job (they struggled with Excel, for chrissakes) and they made twice my salary. There's a rumor that someone's been asked to serve as our boss, but nobody's confirmed or denied. I'd like to get #4 a raise to keep them around (awesome person), but we don't even know who to talk to about it. I'm torn between doing the bare minimum all summer (since literally NO expectations or plans have been communicated and working my ass off for a decade got me absolutely nowhere) or making noise and being really pissed that me and the rest of the team…

10+ years of skilled work (university staff) as #2 in a dept. of 4 – VP boss retires. Nobody from leadership has talked to us, except to say “we're proud of your great work and we're sorry you're going to be so lost without Bossperson!” I already did 80% of VP's job (they struggled with Excel, for chrissakes) and they made twice my salary. There's a rumor that someone's been asked to serve as our boss, but nobody's confirmed or denied. I'd like to get #4 a raise to keep them around (awesome person), but we don't even know who to talk to about it. I'm torn between doing the bare minimum all summer (since literally NO expectations or plans have been communicated and working my ass off for a decade got me absolutely nowhere) or making noise and being really pissed that me and the rest of the team aren't worth even a “Hey guys, do you have ideas/preferences about how this dept. should look moving forward?” or “Since we know you have a long successful record here, fencake, wanna talk about taking on this leadership role?” We manage $ millions that nobody else understands (and #3 is having serious mental health issues due to terrible VP so they may not be here much longer). I was stressed before because I hated my boss and now that VP's gone I'm not feeling the relief I had hoped for because I have no idea what's going on (except that the screwing of me and my once-promising-career is going to continue, apparently…). Above all, I am so beat up inside that I'm having a hard time pulling it together to get a new job. I'm a frumpy older female and I doubt I'll even get the chance to show another employer how awesome I can be (I'm also a runner and regular weightlifter but I consume enough beer & chicken wings to stay frumpy). I'm so burned out I don't even know if I can muscle past the apathy and PTSD to actually do a good job anywhere else. Recommendations or reality checks would be much-appreciated…

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