
Rough Taxonomy of posts on antiwork

Capitalist Gaslighting OP (Random Capitalist) Hurr're doing everything wrong. You're just lazy. I am so happy being a corporate slave. Hurr Durr. Complaining/Venting OP: Look at the terrible thing my boss did/said Everyone: Oh no! Quit! Capitalism sucks! Eat the Rich OP: Look at terrible thing this rich person did. Everyone: Oh no! Capitalism sucks! Eat the Rich – Jealousy Edition OP: Look extravagant life of this rich person! Everyone: Oh no! Capitalism sucks! Revolutionary OP: Let's do this revolutionary thing! Who's with me? Everyone: Yes! Let's do that!! Everyone (IRL): Contrived Atrocities OP: My boss wants to take my kidney, my liver and my first born. Is this legal? Everyone: Oh no! Quit! Capitalism sucks!

Capitalist Gaslighting

OP (Random Capitalist)

Hurr're doing everything wrong. You're just lazy. I am so happy being a corporate slave. Hurr Durr.


OP: Look at the terrible thing my boss did/said

Everyone: Oh no! Quit! Capitalism sucks!

Eat the Rich

OP: Look at terrible thing this rich person did.

Everyone: Oh no! Capitalism sucks!

Eat the Rich – Jealousy Edition

OP: Look extravagant life of this rich person!

Everyone: Oh no! Capitalism sucks!


OP: Let's do this revolutionary thing! Who's with me?

Everyone: Yes! Let's do that!!

Everyone (IRL):

Contrived Atrocities

OP: My boss wants to take my kidney, my liver and my first born. Is this legal?

Everyone: Oh no! Quit! Capitalism sucks!

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