
Rude job call

Been applying to jobs left and right. Mostly no call backs. However, yesterday morning I got a seemingly random call at 8am “Is this (my name)?” “May I ask who's calling?”-me “Brian.” “Brian… who?”-me “With (Name) Insurance.” “Oh I'm not looking for insurance” -me “Guess you don't want a job then!” Hangs up. The fuck dude. No wonder you can't get anyone to work for you when you're that incredibly rude on a call. Completely unprofessional. I ended up looking up the number and it was for an insurance place I had applied to the day before. But when you're unemployed, you're applying to so many places. Sorry I didn't recognize the insurance place. Let alone your unprofessional tone. Sorry for the rant.

Been applying to jobs left and right. Mostly no call backs. However, yesterday morning I got a seemingly random call at 8am

“Is this (my name)?”

“May I ask who's calling?”-me


“Brian… who?”-me

“With (Name) Insurance.”

“Oh I'm not looking for insurance” -me

“Guess you don't want a job then!” Hangs up.

The fuck dude. No wonder you can't get anyone to work for you when you're that incredibly rude on a call. Completely unprofessional.

I ended up looking up the number and it was for an insurance place I had applied to the day before. But when you're unemployed, you're applying to so many places. Sorry I didn't recognize the insurance place. Let alone your unprofessional tone.

Sorry for the rant.

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