
Salaried employee? Are you sure you shouldn’t get overtime?

Paid a salary and not getting paid overtime? Research if you should be paid overtime due to misclassification of your company. The Fair Labor Standards Act has set in place whether or not you are entitled to overtime pay. I used it and got 100 employees that were salary changed to hourly giving them a net yearly increase of $15k a year. Just cause a company calls you a manager doesn’t make it so. Don’t work 60 hours a week for 40 hours pay.

Paid a salary and not getting paid overtime? Research if you should be paid overtime due to misclassification of your company. The Fair Labor Standards Act has set in place whether or not you are entitled to overtime pay. I used it and got 100 employees that were salary changed to hourly giving them a net yearly increase of $15k a year.

Just cause a company calls you a manager doesn’t make it so. Don’t work 60 hours a week for 40 hours pay.

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