
Salary / hourly wage annual increase of “x”% or CPI adjusted

He's anyone heard of or negotiated a position with the following in their employment contract “annual salary (hourly wage) increase of 5% or CPI adjusted(consumer price index) +1% whichever is greater”? The above language is common in commercial real estate and financial agreements. Are they possible, common, or even rare, in employment contracts.? Or are they never done. It seems like something that would be advantageous to negotiate for as an employee. It makes sense companies would be opposed to it. I also anticipate minimum wage type jobs will have very little possibility of having a CPI adjusted wage increase, however positions where an employee has some leverage it seems like a good idea. Questions, comments, concerns.? Thoughts? Thanks.

He's anyone heard of or negotiated a position with the following in their employment contract “annual salary (hourly wage) increase of 5% or CPI adjusted(consumer price index) +1% whichever is greater”?

The above language is common in commercial real estate and financial agreements. Are they possible, common, or even rare, in employment contracts.? Or are they never done.

It seems like something that would be advantageous to negotiate for as an employee. It makes sense companies would be opposed to it. I also anticipate minimum wage type jobs will have very little possibility of having a CPI adjusted wage increase, however positions where an employee has some leverage it seems like a good idea.

Questions, comments, concerns.? Thoughts?


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