
Salary jobs are bullshit!

So I’ve been at my job for over 4 years now. Last year I was mooved into a sallary position and I got a nice boost in my yearly wage. All was good until just the other week my boss told us that we had to work mandatory 15 hour days to make up for work left behind by some of our hourly workers. When I asked why they couldn’t make up they’re own work, I was immediately shut down. I now reelize that it’s cuz we don’t get payed overtime! What bullshit. I walked out 2 hours ago and will never look back.

So I’ve been at my job for over 4 years now. Last year I was mooved into a sallary position and I got a nice boost in my yearly wage. All was good until just the other week my boss told us that we had to work mandatory 15 hour days to make up for work left behind by some of our hourly workers. When I asked why they couldn’t make up they’re own work, I was immediately shut down. I now reelize that it’s cuz we don’t get payed overtime! What bullshit. I walked out 2 hours ago and will never look back.

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