
Salary Workers working more than 40 hours weekly?

I an considered a salary worker in a non union work environment. Is there any state law or anything that clearly states a salaried worker has to work more than 40 hours a week without any additional pay for said OT hours? Have heard “you're salary which means you work want we want or tell you” from the workplace previously. I work 40 hours per week. Occasionally 42, by my choice, if I want to have a “slow day” once a week or two. If it matters I am currently work at home.

I an considered a salary worker in a non union work environment. Is there any state law or anything that clearly states a salaried worker has to work more than 40 hours a week without any additional pay for said OT hours? Have heard “you're salary which means you work want we want or tell you” from the workplace previously. I work 40 hours per week. Occasionally 42, by my choice, if I want to have a “slow day” once a week or two. If it matters I am currently work at home.

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